Rea Valley Active Parks Woodland Wednesdays 2016

Scots Pine at Highbury Park

Throughout 2016 Woodland Wednesdays will continue with a variety of activities designed to promote an understanding and enjoyment of the wooded areas at Highbury, Holders, Cannon Hill Park and elsewhere across the Rea Valley.
Robin by Terry Quinn
Rea Valley Woodland Wednesdays will aim to attract people from all age groups and is made possible through a partnership between -

  • Birmingham Parks and Nature Conservation
  • Active Parks Birmingham
  • Park Lives Birmingham
  • Birmingham Open Space Forum
  • Birmingham Parks' 'Friends' groups
January 13th - March 9th 2016 Programme  - 9 sessions

all meetings 10.30 at Highbury Park (car park off Shutlock Lane)

Activities - 
Yorkshire billhook
  1. Tree planting
  2. Tree pruning
  3. Coppicing
  4. Tree identification including Conifers
  5. Coppice crafts (hazel splitting and wattle fencing)
  6. Management Planning
  7. Surveying (winter birds)
  8. Herbaceous plant identification
  9. Woodland interpretation
24 inch Bowsaw

For those attending Woodland Wednesday sessions they can expect to engage in a broad range of topics that will help them enjoy both local and distant woodlands, and also benefit from meeting qualified enthusiasts both amateur and professional.

The Rangers have a wealth of contacts from many environmental organisations as well as many 'Friends' from local parks.

We will continue to enhance and expand the wooded areas of the Rea Valley through planting new areas and managing existing ones.


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