The Wildlife Trust For Birmingham and The Black Country

Nature Improvement Areas.

The spread of Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage at Centenary Woods, Cannon Hill, is a result of NIA work. The plant was cell grown from cuttings at ECO Park and transplanted in suitably wet conditions; The past two years growth shows the plant thriving in its new setting.

Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium) at Centenary Woods, Cannon Hill.
Photo by Anne Brookes (WTBBC) 2nd February 2016.
A tiny fraction of the current prostrate matting was introduced, perhaps 5-6 foliates, so the expanding growth shown in the image above is excellent.

"Habitat: Woodland flushes, stream sides, springs, wet rocks, on acid soils;" (Collins Flower Guide)

"Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, is a creeping, mat forming perennial whose bright yellow flowers, cupped in green, leafy brackets, form trickles of gold on shady stream banks and in woodland flushes as early as mid March" (Flora Britannica, Richard Mabey)

Check out the Wildlife Trust's website by clicking the link below for details of NIA work in Birmingham.


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