Woodlands, Trees and Tree People

Woodlands, Trees and Tree People

Down To Earth at Holders Woods
The woodlands are active again with leaf burst and birdsong heralding a new year, although at Holders Woods 'Down To Earth' it never ceases or even slows down, with up to 80 people gathering every Monday morning. All ages enjoy the setting, the social connectivity, the activities and the wonderful cohesive mix of families from Birmingham and beyond.

There's always a buoyant and jubilant interest in woodland, and whilst standing-talking amongst the lofty Oaks and Beeches at Holders, a spiritual  connection often arises as we look skyward, impressed by the dimensional heights and the cathedral-like perpendicular architecture, which has held humans captivated for a hundred thousands years and more. It's a primitive 'down to earth' moment of reflection marrying thoughts of our existence through time, spacial distance, heritage and the present.

Details for joing in can be found by following this link -

Tree work

Our area has witnessed a substantial amount of tree work over the past few months, with various demands from a variety of sectors. We notice pruning, pollarding felling, coppicing and everything in between, along streets, in parks, on private land and on river banks.

And whilst being somewhat concerned, I believe most of the work is done for very good reason.

I guess street trees are the most contentious and although not fully up to date with the 'Sheffield' saga, I know there are a lot of very strong feelings amongst tree lovers, and whilst many individuals and organisations thrive amongst the trees, I suspect there are a significant number of people who might be termed 'tree sceptics', disliking and complaining, venturing towards illegal cutting, ring barking, uprooting and doing their best to deter tree planting plans.

Tree also die from natural causes or are damaged by natural forces
Fallen Beech at Holders Woods thanks to Storm Doris

Many City street trees have been planted over the past 150 years, with many coming towards the end of life, wearing not so well in stressful locations and circumstances. Yet whatever their hazardous state people will protest at removal.

In Britain we have a long history of tree removal with vast areas, once forested, now urbanised, leaving pockets of small ancient woodlands, much loved and     protected but always under threat.
A veteran willow near the site on which
Moor Green Mill once stood. (No remains)
No wonder we have so many tree lovers and tree loving organisations. Birmingham Tree People are the latest organisation to focus on city trees.

Follow the links below to their Facebook page and website.

Anyone can join us who is interested in looking after trees, saving those under threat, learning more about trees in the urban environment and encouraging others to enjoy trees in Birmingham.


In terms of timing for planting, felling, coppicing, pollarding etc, well it seems that there is often a disregard for wildlife and nature in many cases with trees felled any time between 9.00am and 5.00pm, throughout the year, most of the reasoning is dubious and often related to budgetary considerations.

In nature conservation terms, there is a strong guideline which dictates that management should only take place between October and February.

New interests in woodland and green spaces are continually developing, and welcomed, as the need to enhance biodiversity and balance development is a constant theme for planners.

Rivers provide the greening link between the concrete, allowing for the unimpeded movement of plants and animals throughout the land.

The Rea Valley between Cannon Hill Park and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal provides a well wooded belt, consisting of parkland plantations, ancient woodland and riverside willows, alders and hazel.

The Rea Valley between Cannon Hill Park and Stirchley

This area is the focus for a variety of nature conservation organisations that will continue to develop over the next few months, with interest from the Environment Agency, the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country together with local interest at Ten Acres, Holders Woods and Cannon Hill Park.
