Extract from 'Lillie's Journal of Garden Delights'

Chapter IV 

A hedgehog's view

"The Ladies paraded in their finery during a mid April morn, shrouding the Lords in protective fashion.

Whilst Jack was nearby somewhat removed from the hedge but sheltered under Hawthorn with peeping greenery, and with an overview of endless visitors, not quite ready but getting there by verdant repose.

"Hello there" piped Herb Robert to Stickless William,
"And a fine morning to you too", Dandi and Willowherb.
The tufts of flowerless grasses loitered here and there with Speedwell and Sow Thistle in company

Hazel with Chives and Parsley are doing fine alongside Coltsfoot and Comfrey, all someone prostrate and dwafed by Sycamore and Ash in a combined yet not-too-well-thoughtout encounter. 

Reluctantly, Wood Pigeon cooed some sort of encouragement and had done so since dawn, by which time Song Thrush had serenaded the new day.

Here now we have the lesser of the Celandines, always eager to please, smiling for the time being and lifting endless spirits from the dismay of a long tawdry winter, which began well and had its moments but loitered cheaply and awkwardly for far too long.

Ivy clad almost everything standing still, which was almost everything, whilst Daffodil bowed a finale of early Spring, ready for the next act.

Little white-flowerering Bittercress clustered as the Dunnock sang in accompaniment with Chaffinch perched nearby and not far behind - Joining the throng and choristers and standing tall were Ash and Elm, slightly but not brightly outshon by Silver Birch - indeed, all a tad shy, yet ready for the annual dance.

Let us not forget Buttercup and Groundsell, Bramble, Primula and away yonder Cowslip, Ribwort Plantain, Salad Burnet and Knapweed, with bold Nettle fearing little, not even Red Clover in the garden of delight."


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