Nature Improvement proposals and CONSULTATION for the Rea Valley

What are Nature Improvement Areas? 

The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country say-

NIAs are designed to revitalise urban and rural areas by creating bigger, inter-connected networks of wildlife habitats to re-establish wildlife populations and help achieve nature’s recovery. NIAs will improve the health of the natural environment to support food production, reduce flood risk and increase access to nature.
NIAs encompass areas of land that include natural features and wildlife habitats but also include roads, housing developments and other man-made elements. They are areas that have been identified for their opportunities to restore nature at a landscape-scale alongside other land-uses.
NIAs should enhance existing ecological networks by:
• Improving the management of existing wildlife sites
• Increasing the size of existing wildlife sites
• Increasing the number of wildlife sites
• Improving connectivity between sites
• Creating wildlife corridors

Follow this link for more information
The Rangers working alongside The B&BCWT NIA team, the Friends of the Fields and local residents are hoping to develop and improve nature areas along the Rea Valley at the Holders Pebble Fields.

The map below highlights a few ideas- The aim is to improve the natural features for the benefit of people and wildlife
We would like your thoughts on the proposals.

In January we will be walking the site and talking about wildlife and how we might improve the nature of the area by-

  1. Expanding two areas of existing woodland with the addition of about 300-400 trees, including Alder, Hazel, Cherry and Oak.
  2. Develop a new hedgerow with species such as Hawthorn, Hazel, Alder Buckthorn, Dog Rose, these will provide blossom and fruit for bees, butterflies and birds.
  3. Creating nectar rich wildflower areas around the perimeter of the field. 
  4. Introducing nectar rich wildflower and grass species to the existing woodland.
 Please join us on Wednesday 31st January 2018, meet by the Moor Green Medical Centre at 11.00am if you can, if not please contribute your ideas, comments and feedback to- 
photo from Mail online


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