Ten Acres Revisited

late 19th century

Sections of the old river course are evident in places and the previous meanders are quite noticeable


  1. Opportunities here for combining leisure, education, work/life skills, and so on.
    Perhaps through forest school, gaining involvement of local schools in surveying and redesigning the area. Features to include wildlife observation structures: boardwalks, bird hides, canopy inspection, selectively felled trees, ...

    Designing lots of learning and interpretative points along the way would give people a reason to detour through that patch. Making it possible to hold events would be even better. So things like the gathering circle at Moseley Bog would help.

    Finding ways of developing local skills in earth/timber construction and woodland management would also be a plus.

    1. Great ideas, many thanks. I'm hoping we can provide more details at the Stirchley Park Midsummer event on June 21st.


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