When does a plantation become a woodland? It's not an overnight occurrence but a gradual process and mostly overlooked. Brockley Grove Plantation at Moor Green, like many other plantations created in the 1980's and 90's, is showing signs of woodland; beyond the presence of trees are subtle hidden changes, taking place year on year as decay and decomposition set in, aided by dead wood, fungi, invertebrates and other micro organisms, vital elements for the increasing biodiversity. Orange Ladybird at Brockley Grove Plantation (Photo by Connor) The accelerated process begins with the planting of trees, but in a natural state pioneer species would colonise with the aid of seeds dispersed from local specimens - Windblown Birch and Ash, bird dropped seeds from Hawthorn, Jay planted acorns from Oak and fallen nuts from Hazel. This week we witnessed the presence of an Orange Ladybird, Halyzia 16-guttata the Uk Ladybird survey informs us - Size: 4.5 - 6mm Ba...