Early May

May 2015
Our 26 year old woodland comes into bloom and leaf once again and we continue to monitor its condition, enhance its biodiversity and improve its potential as a rich English Woodland.

Coppicing, thinning, replanting trees and introducing ground flora are some of the ways we do this. We also collaborate with our friends at the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust, together with their supporters and guardians to ensure that together we work towards best possible practice.

Much to do - 
Each season brings a change in the environmental setting and the practices carried out; the woodland attracts many people for a variety of reasons.

Currently, Dan is monitoring 10 bird boxes, installed in 2013, and will provide us with an up to date report of results so far.

George and Ciaran have helped the Rangers plant some acquired hazel trees (below)

The B&BCWT set up a woodland plant survey session with Eleanor Cohn

Rangers and BPN Staff (Birmingham Parks and Nurseries) are monitoring the area and ensuring it is kept litter free.

Birmingham University carry out a bird ringing project each year (results published here as they occur)

Meanwhile the trees flourish, the plants blossom, the song birds sing, the mice scuttle and scurry (wood-mouse observed in the dead hedging on 28th April), Owls hoot and hunt, woodpeckers explore and the Chiffchaffs chiff-chaff.
George planting hazel in open spaces; should be okay in partial shade
Flower surveying with Sara and Eleanor from the Wildlife Trust
Herb Robert growing well
Ciaran planting hazel
Early Summer regrowth, 5 years from coppicing


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