UPDATE Late Summer 2014

Summer 2014 A mixed bag of Summer weather this year but good for plants, both wild and cultivated I suspect, although the mean temperature might be slightly lower than previous years, we'll see. Bird Box scheme Still awaiting the bird box scheme report for Centenary Woods, but a little bird told me the uptake was slightly better than last year, once again, we'll see. By comparison, yon little bird also said the Holders Woods, (more mature woodland), box uptake was 80-100%, TBC. Bird ringing This year's ringing sessions are due to begin again in September/October, looking forward to those. Trees and plants from Nature Improvement Area (NIA) project Many of the NIA trees planted last Winter are in leaf with no signs of failures, likewise, all the Woodland Trust 'nursery' trees seem to have flourished and will be planted out during Autumn/Winter, the wildflower planting successes will not be determined until next Spring. Centenary Woodland origin...