Midsummer bioblitz at Stirchley Park

21st June 2016 Graffiti mural Stirchley Park 1 hour bioblitz and a very pleasant evening Check out the following link for a recent story of the above graffiti mural http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/vandals-destroy-beloved-stirchley-park-10958999 Blackbird Wood pigeon Pied Wagtail Woody nightshade White clover Red Clover Broadleaf plantain Ribwort plantain Daisy Creeping buttercup Rye Grass Yorkshire Fog Grass sp x1 Grass sp x1 Sheperd’s purse Common Lime x 2 Plane x 6 Hawthorn Oak x1 Sycamore Elder Sea Buckthorn x 3 Dandelion Nettle Vine Rose sp Rose sp Russian vine Ramson Bumblebee sp Fly sp Ichneumon sp Ladybird larvae sp Ladybird larvae sp 11 spot Ladybird 22 spot ladybird Green orb weaver spider Liverwort Moss