Work begins

Nature Improvement Area (NIA) work is likely to begin at the RSPB Woodland on the 24th January 2014, followed by a community involvement day on Monday 27th.

Around a sixth of the canopy trees will be felled between then and mid March with a similar amount felled between January and March 2015.

A large amount of timber will be generated from the operation and this will be used in a variety of ways; some of it will be used to develop 'dead wood' habitat, a vital component of a healthy woodland, attracting a host of fungi and invertebrates, some will be chipped and used on footpaths, some will be used for den building and woodland crafts and some will be taken as bio-fuel.

The beneficial impact on the woodland will be immediate but the most noticeable benefits occurring in following years with increasing numbers of low shrub nesting birds such as Dunnock, Wren and a variety of Warblers, possibly including Black Cap, Willow Warbler and Chiff Chaff.

Quite exciting really, thanks to the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust's NIA Programme


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